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Folder: 2023 and before

Indicator in focus: Asset Classes Sentiment, emerging-markets equities
- Uploaded:
- 24.08.15
- Modified:
- 24.08.15
- File Size:
- 180 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Fears for emerging-markets stocks – a glimmer of hope!
The monthly sentix Sentiment for emerging-markets shares collapses in August. It now stands at its weakest level ever and thus even below its readings from autumn 2008, the time after Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, failed. This is positive, indeed!
Indicator in focus: Sector Sentiment, automobiles (August 2015)
- Uploaded:
- 17.08.15
- Modified:
- 17.08.15
- File Size:
- 182 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Automobile sentiment again heavily hit by China sorrows
sentix Sector Sentiment for European automobile stocks falls again in August. The mood among investors is now as bad as is it was for the last time in October 2014. While the sentiment indicator already is in contrarian territory, a chart-technical buying signal is still missing.
Indicator in focus: Sector Sentiment, automobiles (July 2015)
- Uploaded:
- 13.07.15
- Modified:
- 17.08.15
- File Size:
- 179 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
China effect hits automobile sector
In July, sentix Sector Sentiment for Europe’s automobile stocks falls more strongly than for any other sector. It is the sorrows concerning a fading demand from China, spurred by the latest market turbulences, which can be felt here. But the positive trend in automobile stocks is still not to be put into question.
Indicator in focus: strategic bias, EU and US
- Uploaded:
- 10.08.15
- Modified:
- 10.08.15
- File Size:
- 195 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Investors continue to favor the euro zone over the USA
Since Mario Draghi has sworn the ECB to a comprehensive "quantitative easing", the European equity markets benefit from a massive trust fund. This is significantly greater than for other equity markets. The result is an outperformance of the euro equity markets over their US counterparts. Moreover, this trend is not over yet!
Indicator in focus: overconfidence, oil market
- Uploaded:
- 04.08.15
- Modified:
- 04.08.15
- File Size:
- 183 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Investors in the oil market view the downtrend to continue
Since early May, oil prices have come under pressure again. Meanwhile, the lows from the beginning of the year have been reached again. This has not only pushed the sentiment to a bearish extreme but now also means that investors tend to extrapolate the negative trend. The sentix Overconfidence Index indicates this. This could support the oil prices in the short term.
sentix Euro Break-up Index July 2015
- Uploaded:
- 28.07.15
- Modified:
- 28.07.15
- File Size:
- 171 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
“Grescue” amplifies centrifugal forces in the core zone
In July, the sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) falls from 48.4% to 26.5%, its lowest reading in six months. The reason for this is the rescue of Greece which lets the Hellenic index drop sharply. But against the general trend the EBI in-crease for Germany and Finland whose government bonds profit from the unresolved euro problems.
Indicator in focus: Sentiment, gold
- Uploaded:
- 27.07.15
- Modified:
- 27.07.15
- File Size:
- 192 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Sentiment for gold at low point
sentix Sentiment for gold falls to a new all-time low. Never before since the start of the survey in 2006 was the mood among investors thus as bad as at the moment. In the past, such extreme situations were precursors of price reversals at the bottom. But we may have to wait still some time before such a reversal occurs.
Indicator in focus: Asset Classes Sentiment, commodities
- Uploaded:
- 20.07.15
- Modified:
- 20.07.15
- File Size:
- 188 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Commodities sentiment at record low!
sentix Commodities Sentiment collapses in July and reaches a new all-time low. The past has shown that when such a strong fall of the indicator occurs it is not wise to buy the market anti-cyclically. The time for contrarians will come when confidence returns.
Indicator in focus: Strategic Bias, gold
- Uploaded:
- 06.07.15
- Modified:
- 13.07.15
- File Size:
- 185 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Gold does not benefit from the Greek crisis
Investors’ basic conviction for gold is fading. This is mirrored by the sentix Strategic Bias for the yellow metal which continues to fall although the Greek crisis and a favourable seasonal pattern should lend support. Rather do investors expect US yields to rise, though, and, at the same time, they lose their inflation fantasies. Both goes against higher gold prices.
sentix Euro Break-up Index June 2015
- Uploaded:
- 29.06.15
- Modified:
- 29.06.15
- File Size:
- 173 KB
- Version:
- 1.0
Investors split on euro break-up, but clear on contagion
In June, the sentix Euro Break-up Index rises from 41.2% to 48.4%. Investors are thus almost perfectly split into two halves regarding their expectations on countries exiting the euro. In turn, they are much clearer on contagion dangers of which they think that they are barely existing.