Folder: Reports (English)

June 2023 results
- Uploaded:
- 04.06.23
- File Size:
- 385 KB
Germany's economy not a summer fairy tale
The German economy is currently experiencing a downright crash. Instead of a spring revival, the recessionary forces are coming back with a vengeance. Above all, the situation indicators are plummeting, signalling that the downward forces are currently very present. This is also being felt by the rest of the eurozone. With the largest economy on such a difficult path, it should come as no surprise that investors are increasingly bearish on the rest of the eurozone. The June overall index for the Eurozone economy drops again to -17 points. Internationally, only Japan is showing a positive sign with an increase in the overall index against the general trend.
May 2023 results
- Uploaded:
- 07.05.23
- File Size:
- 344 KB
sentix Economic Index: Significant spring tiredness
The sentix overall economic index for the euro zone loses 4.4 points and falls back to a level of -13.1 points. Ex-pectations in particular slump to -19.0 points, the lowest level since December 2022. The German economy is also hard hit. The situation scores drop by 6.7 points, while expectations fall to -19.8 points. In the international con-text, the negative signs also dominate. For the US, the decline in expectations is striking. Here, the overall index reaches -17.5 points, the lowest level since November 2022. There is not much left of the laborious economic recovery of 2023.
April 2023 results
- Uploaded:
- 09.04.23
- File Size:
- 391 KB
Better but still not good
The Eurozone economy continues to recover at the beginning of April. The major upheavals feared as a result of the gas and electricity price crisis in Europe have failed to materialise this winter. The situation assessment of the 1,300 investors surveyed by sentix reflects this with the sixth consecutive increase in the situation values for the Eurozone. The fact that this is not an all-clear signal becomes clear when looking at the expected values. They remain negative. In Eastern Europe, a friendlier picture is painted, with an increase in both components. For the USA, we measure a deterioration of the situation and expectations, contrary to the trend. This should not go unnoticed!
March 2023 results
- Uploaded:
- 05.03.23
- File Size:
- 394 KB
Headwinds increase again
After several months of improvement in investors' assessments of the economic situation and expectations, there is a new headwind for economic development at the beginning of March. In the Eurozone, the economic situation scores improved again, for the fifth time in a row. However, the economic expectations show that we are by no means at the beginning of an upswing. Eurozone economic expectations dropped sharply to -13 points. The situation is similar in the other regions of the world. The expectation values are characterised by clear de-clines across the board.
February 2023 results
- Uploaded:
- 05.02.23
- File Size:
- 348 KB
From recession to stagnation
February data in the sentix economic indices come in better than expected. In Euroland, the overall index rises for the fourth time in a row, improving by 9.5 points to now 8 points. The increase signals that a recession is off the table for the time being. Instead, the scenario of stagnation is gaining in contour. In Germany, too, the overall index improved by around 10 points. Both the current situation (+9.2 points) and the economic expectations (+10.2 points) signal an easing of the situation, but not a final all-clear. For the economic region Asia, things are looking better again: With the fifth increase in a row, the economic region is continuing its initiated upswing: The overall index rises by +10.3 points to now +11.7 points. The assessment of the current situation and expectations are moving up together. This also benefits the overall index for the global economy, which climbs to +1.6 points - the highest value since February 2022.
January 2023 results
- Uploaded:
- 08.01.23
- File Size:
- 346 KB
It remains challenging
The January data in the sentix economic indices indicate a further improvement. In Euroland, the overall index rises for the third time in a row, improving by 3.5 points to -17.5. There is virtually no change in the assessment of the current situation, with only the expectations values signaling a greater easing of the situation. This basic trend can also be seen in the German economic figures: The assessment of the current situation remains almost unchanged, while expectations have risen by 7.3 points. It can thus be seen that the economic environment remains challenging. Despite the improvement, both subcomponents remain in deep negative territory. There is a glimmer of hope for Asia at the start of the year: expectations for the Asia ex Japan region (especially China) are rising dynamically. The end of the restrictive Corona measures in China is generating hopes of better times ahead.
December 2022 results
- Uploaded:
- 04.12.22
- File Size:
- 427 KB
More relaxation
The latest sentix economic data improve again and surprisingly significantly. Investors are spreading hope that thanks to mild winter weather, sufficient gas in storage and a possible peak in inflation data, the economic down-turn has also passed its zenith. Internationally, there are also more moderate tones from the US Federal Reserve, which is holding out the prospect of "only" 50 basis points of interest rate increases in December. And in China, the protests finally seem to point to an end to the restrictive Corona measures. So will the recession end before it has really begun?
November 2022 results
- Uploaded:
- 06.11.22
- File Size:
- 558 KB
Mild temperatures give hope
At the beginning of November, the sentix economic indices in Euroland surprise on the positive side. The overall index rises by 7.4 points to -30.9, which is still not a trend reversal signal. But the rise in situation and expectation values shows how sensitively investors react in their economic expectations to signals from the energy market. For this is the cause of the hopeful changes. October showed higher temperatures than usual and this means that gas storage facilities in Germany, for example, are full to the brim, more than expected for November. Spot mar-ket gas prices collapsed in response. Concerns about a catastrophic gas shortage are fading.
October 2022 results
- Uploaded:
- 09.10.22
- File Size:
- 425 KB
Catastrophic conditions
At the beginning of October, the sentix economic indices signal an unchanged difficult economic situation - in Europe, but also globally. At -38.3 points, the overall Eurozone index sinks to its lowest level since May 2020. The ongoing uncertainties about the gas and energy situation in winter have not diminished due to the attack on the Nordstream pipelines. In addition to the economic worries, there is now also an increasing probability of an esca-lation of the military conflict in Ukraine. Globally, there is little reason for hope. Only China seems to be stabilis-ing somewhat at present.
September 2022 results
- Uploaded:
- 04.09.22
- File Size:
- 679 KB
A very deep recession?!
The general conditions for the global economy continued to deteriorate at the beginning of September. While in Europe the signs have been pointing to a considerable recession for some time, there are now increasing signs of a corresponding development at the global level. The sentix business cycle indices for all regions and countries under consideration are deteriorating. The third decline in the values for China is of particular importance. But the recessionary environment is also deepening in the Eurozone.