Woolly thoughts (blog)

In this blog we publish our thoughts on political and social developments that complement our market analyses with timely assessments and provide background information on behavioral finance and sentiment analysis.

Die Psychologie des Geldes

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Geld regiert die Welt – Geld verdirbt den Charakter… Sätze wie diese sind fest verwurzelt in unserer Sprachkultur. Unbestritten kann das ausschließliche Streben nach Reichtum den Menschen negativ beeinflussen. Oft stellt der Suchende am Ende fest, dass Geld alleine nicht glücklich macht.


From strategist to strategist: share buybacks under the microscope


In a podcast of the series "Strategist & Strategist" (1), which is well worth listening to, colleagues from Flossbach von Storch (FvS) analyse the effects of share buybacks by companies on share prices. The starting point for their reflections was the assertion of many market participants that share prices can be manipulated by buybacks and that these can also be used fraudulently. We also have our thoughts on this topic! We have already presented them many times in our annual outlooks and will supplement them here once again in greater depth.


Waiting for death


In the German language, the word "Rente" not only stands for the pension benefits of pensioners, but is also another term for fixed-income securities (bonds). These were or are securities that offer the owner an annual, usually fixed rate of interest - like a pension. This is no longer the case at present. The deep slide of certain segments of the bond market into negative interest rates, for example german federal bonds, has massive consequences, which will be pointed out and discussed here.


A decision for eternity


Mario Draghi said goodbye to his office yesterday, as he made himself known in office: with a far-reaching monetary policy decision. What does his "decision for eternity" mean?


Libra - Big brother is credit you


Facebook has announced that it will establish a new blockchain-based currency from 2020. This is called "Libra" and is intended to bring new freedom in payment transactions, especially where there is no good bank supply so far. We discuss what the new currency lacks to be successful.


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