File: March 2014 Eco Report (Engl.)

- Uploaded:
- 10.03.14
- Modified:
- 07.04.14
- File Size:
- 583 KB
- Version
- 1.0
Robust, but heterogeneous
The sentix economic index (composite index) for the euro zone rises again in March and climbs from 13.3 to 13.9 points. This development is driven by investors' assessments of the current situation, while 6-month expecta-tions fall for the first time since September. For Germany, expectations decline for the third month in a row. Nevertheless, the composite index still signals that the German economy is in the middle of boom. In the rest of the world things look rather mixed: Against the background of the Crimean crisis the sentix economic index for Eastern Europe drops strongly. But it rises for the two other emerging-markets regions, Asia ex Japan and Latin America. For the US, investors' opinions remain almost unchanged, while for Japan sentiment worsens further. The composite index for the global aggregate stays at a constant level, but the relatively high heterogeneity between countries and regions points to an increased uncertainty among investors and blurs the overall picture.