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    October 2024 results

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    The downward economic trend has been halted for the time being. All regions of the world are showing signs of improvement: the overall index for the eurozone rose from -15.4 to -13.8 points in October after three consecutive declines. While the current situation index in the eurozone once again plumbed a new low for the year, the expectations index rose to -3.8 points. The eurozone economy is thus starting its next attempt to find its way out of recession/stagnation. The German economy remains in recession mode for the time being. On a positive note, however, the expectation values show an improvement with a plus of 6.8 points. The domestic economy is benefiting from the global economic trend: Asia ex Japan (China) in particular is showing positive momentum. However, the USA and Japan are also signalling an economic revival.

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    September 2024 results

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    Germany chaos

    The drama surrounding the German economy is heading for another climax in September. The situation values plummeted by a whopping 5.3 points to -48 points. The recession is raging ever stronger. Tragically, the expectation values are also falling, demonstrating the hopelessness of investors looking at the EU heavyweight. Although the overall eurozone index is not immune in this context, the decline is comparatively small at -1.5 points. Nevertheless, the eurozone is struggling with dangerous recessionary tendencies ‘thanks to Germany’. The situa-tion in the rest of the world is also weakening, but investors here are somewhat more optimistic in their expectations.

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    August 2024 results

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    Massive global slump

    Following the severe setback of the "first mover" in the previous month, there is now another, more pronounced economic slump in August. The global recovery comes to a halt. The sentix economic index for the eurozone fell by a whopping 6.6 points. The overall index now stands at -13.9 points, the lowest level since January 2024, with expectations falling even more sharply by 10.3 points. Germany in particular is in a nosedive. The overall index lost a whopping 12.0 points. The current assessment even deteriorated to -42.8 points, the worst value since June 2020! The expectations component plummeted to -18.5 points. The recession bells are ringing once again in Germany. Signs of fatigue are also evident in the USA: The overall index loses 9.0 points for the fourth time in a row. Expectations also indicate an accelerated slowdown. The rest of the world, including the Asian region, is lagging behind.

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    July 2024 results

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    Bitter setback

    The recent recovery of the European economy has come to an abrupt end. After eight consecutive improvements, the sentix economic index for the eurozone fell by a whopping 7.6 points in July. Expectations slumped by 8.5 points to 1.5 points. The moderate economic momentum in Germany is also faltering again. The positive mood due to the European Football Championship 2024 is not spilling over into the economy. The already gloomy assessment of the situation deteriorated to -32.3 points, while expectations fell to -4.8 points below the April value. The French elections are contributing to the growing concern, as is the increasing slowdown in the US economy. The overall index for the US fell for the third time in a row to its lowest value since January 2024. Expectations are now also negative there at -2.5 points.

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    June 2024 results

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    Upswing without momentum - 8th rise in a row

    The sentix economic index for the eurozone continued its recovery trend in June: however, the recovery is only proceeding slowly in triple steps. With the eighth increase in a row, the overall index has only just reached the zero line. Nevertheless, at +0.3 points, it is no longer negative for the first time since February 2022. However, the situation values remain in negative territory despite the increase (-9.0 points), while the expectations component rose by 2.2 points to +10.0 points. This means that the Eurozone has significantly better economic momentum than the USA. Although the current situation there is still considered to be extremely good at +28.3 points, the 6-month expectations have fallen slightly and are only showing a small increase (+2.3 points). Nevertheless, the level of expansion is likely to be maintained overall. Internationally, the "Asia ex-Japan" region is still convincing. The expectations component there has risen for the eighth time in a row to 19.5 points.

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    May 2024 results

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    Small steps forward

    The sentix overall economic index for the eurozone rises to -3.6 points in May 2024. This is the seventh consecu-tive increase and the best value since February 2022. Situation and expectation values contribute equally to the increase, which was higher than the economists surveyed by Bloomberg. However, the economic improvement continues to be characterised by moderate momentum. The rise in the index in Austria is positive, but the East-ern European region is also continuing to develop favourably. Internationally, Asia ex Japan and Latin America deserve a positive mention, while the USA and Japan have seen declines.

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    April 2024 results

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    Will everything be fine now?

    Will there finally be a sustainable economic upturn? At least the economic recovery in the eurozone and world-wide is continuing. We are measuring the sixth consecutive rise in the overall index for the eurozone. The index rises to -5.9 points. Expectations for the eurozone have even risen for the seventh time and, at +5 points, are at their highest level since February 2022. The economic signals are also stabilising internationally. Only Austria is an exception here with a completely divergent development.

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    March 2024 results

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    Upswing (still) without Germany

    At the beginning of March 2024, the sentix economic indices are improving for the most part, albeit still in mostly small steps. The overall Eurozone index rises by 2.4 points to -10.5 points. This is the fifth increase in a row. The situation also improved for the fifth time and expectations even for the sixth time (+3.2 points to -2.3 points). Nevertheless, one cannot speak of a typical spring revival. This is because Germany, as an economic heavy-weight, remains the ghost driver and is hampering the recovery. The situation looks more favourable in the other global regions. The USA, Asia ex Japan and Latin America are particularly favourable.

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    February 2024 results

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    Crisis in Germany remains stubborn

     The sentix economic index for the eurozone rises by +2.9 points to -12.9 points in February, the fourth consecutive increase. Nevertheless, the recovery process remains sluggish. This is mainly due to Germany. The current assessment there fell to -39.3 points, while expectations recovered only sluggishly by 2.3 points. With the expectations component still at -14.0 points, the recession theme therefore remains. Internationally, there are increasing signs of recovery. The US region in particular is scoring well, with the overall index rising by 5.9 points to 12.1 points. Asia also continues to impress. The Asia ex Japan (China) region and Japan itself continue to try to develop economic momentum. As a result, the sentix Global Aggregate climbs to its highest level since February 2022.

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    January 2024 results

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    Germany still in crisis

    The sentix Economic Indicator for January shows the third consecutive improvement in the overall index for the eurozone. Situation and expectation values both rise by 1 point. And yet this is unlikely to be a turnaround. This is partly due to Germany, whose economy is still in recession and therefore in crisis. Internationally, there is positive news from Asia and Latin America. However, it is questionable whether this will be enough to reverse the global trend. This is because a new problem is on the horizon with regard to inflation and therefore central bank policy.

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