Folder: Reports (English)

June 2013 Eco Report (Engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 10.06.13
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- 2 MB
Euroland passes through dent
The composite index for Euroland rises in June by 4 points and stands now at -11.6. The spring dent seems to have passed. The current turn is taking place earlier than in the past years, where similar patterns could be observed. This is pointing to a more robust economy. Should the current trend continue in the coming months, Euroland will finally move back into growth territory in the course of next quarter. Outside the Eurozone, the composite indices for the USA and for Japan reach their highest readings since Mai 2006 and August 2007, respectively. The indices for the Emerging Markets regions weaken once again. For the global aggregate. this leads to a stabilisation.
May 2013 Eco Report (Engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 06.05.13
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Trend reversal averted!
The composite index for the euro zone rises for the first time after two dampeners in a row. It improves from -17.3 to -15.6 points. With this, a trend reversal to the negative, which would have formally been indicated by the third drop in a row, was averted. While the economic assessments of investors for the euro zone are stabilizing, the values for Germany worsen, albeit at a much higher level. Here, we see a convergence of investor assessments. The drop in the German composite index is solely based on the decrease in the assessment of the economic situation. The strongest improvement in the composite indices in May can be found for the US. For Japan, the development points upwards, too. The emerging markets, on the other hand, are once again considered as slightly weaker by investors. For the global aggregate, we note a small rise after two drops.
April 2013 Eco Report (Engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 08.04.13
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Second setback in a row for the euro zone
The composite index for the euro zone drops in April from -10.6 points to -17.3 points and stands now slightly below last December's value. While the election in Italy led to the first setback for the index in March, the Cyprus issue is, amongst others, an additional strain in April: both sub-indices, the assessment of the economic situation and the 6-month expectations drop again. Expectations are now in the neutral zone. The composite index for Germany is no longer able to keep its distance from the negative development in the euro zone, expectations drop palpably – also taking into consideration weaker assessments for Germany's export regions, especially in Asia ex Japan. The global index drops the second month in a row.
March 2013 Eco Report (engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 04.03.13
- File Size:
- 1 MB
Italian elections lead to setback for the euro zone
After six consecutive rises the composite index for the euro zone falls in March from -3.9 to -10.6 points. This is its lowest reading this year, but still higher than in December. The results of the Italian elections leave negative traces in both the current assessment of the economic situation and the 6-month-expectations of investors.. From the other regions in the sentix survey there was no positive impact worth of note, either. Consequently, the index for the global aggregate recedes, too. Interestingly, once more the German composite index inches a little higher against the general trend of the month.
February 2013 Eco Report (engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 04.02.13
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Euro area close to growth
The composite index for Euroland rises for the sixth time in a row to -3.9 points in February. Once again, the six month expectations of the 984 surveyed investors gain more ground than the assessment of the economic situation. They reach the highest reading since June 2007, the last month before the beginning of the financial crisis. Overall, we can note: with a composite index close to the zero mark, the euro zone economy is poised to grow again. It is almost without doubt that the composite index for the euro area will reach positive territory soon – the general dynamics are currently just too strong.
January 2013 Eco Report (engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 07.01.13
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Happy New Year! Euroland catches up strongly
The composite index for Euroland shows a strong improvement in January and rises for the fifth time in a row. The rise in economic expectations is especially pronounced, rising to the highest value since February 2011. Both the assessments of the current situation and expectations of other countries and regions all point upward. The US values end comparatively weak. All in all, the beginning of the year is very strong. Thus, we celebrate both the start of the new year and the 10th birthday of the sentix economic index!
December 2012 Eco Report (Engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 10.12.12
- File Size:
- 436 KB
First mover up again
The composite index for the eurozone goes up to -16.8 points from -18.8 last month. This is its fourth increase in a row. The 909 surveyed investors display almost no change in their assessment of the current situation while their 6-months-expectations improve further. With the year ending, the expectations index has reached its highest reading in 2012. Outstanding increases in the economic expectations sub-indices are registered for Germany and for Japan. It is, once more, mainly institutional investors who are behind these developments.
November 2012 Eco Report (engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 05.11.12
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Confidence rises again
The composite index for the euro zone rises in November for the third time in a row. This time, both the economic situation and the expectations index contribute to this development. The indices for the US and Asia ex Japan are able to gain even more than the one for the euro area. Once more, the view of the institutionals brightens more than that of private investors.
October 2012 Eco Report (engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 08.10.12
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Further improved expectations signal trend reversal
The composite index for Euroland rises in October for the second time in a row. Once again, the positive development in expectations is the supporting pillar for the improvement in the composite index. Expectations have even risen for a third time in a row, signaling a trend reversal. This pattern can also be found in the Global Index. For Germany, we find a special phenomenon: the doubters are currently the institutional investors, beforehand, they were to be found amongst private investors.
August 2012 Eco Report (Engl.)
- Uploaded:
- 06.08.12
- File Size:
- 2 MB
Draghi turns round expectations
While the headline indices of all regions dropped last month, August brings us a slight change to the positive especially in the realm of expectations. In the global aggregate, 6-months expectations improve slightly due to index movements for the Emerging Markets and Euroland. With his energetic appearances, the President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, is the main driver of this development.