Benefits - what sentix offers for you


sentix surveys private and institutional investors weekly about their assessments of the capital markets, how they act on the markets and which issues play a role. From these surveys, we calculate around 1,000 different indicators that provide an exclusive insight into the decision-making processes of investors - almost in real time.

We provide these results in various formats for free (sentix Community) or by subscription (sentix Comfort) to our survey participants and customers for non-commercial use only. For commercial use the data and information are also available from data providers or on demand.

The sentix research

Every week, we provide written commentary on data and highlihts of the interesting anomalies in German and English.



sentix Survey Essentials

Weekly sentiment commentary about the newest sentix indications by the renowned sentix team


sentix Charts

Analysis of all indicators with the sentix Professional chart tool, freely selectable time frames and many other functions


sentix Eco Report

Detailed information on the "first mover" in the economic leading indicators with a monthly report and all the data for your own analysis.

More about the sentix Economic indices

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