Folder: Reports (English)

September 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 04.09.16
- File Size:
- 459 KB
The global trend points upwards
Economic expectations for the eurozone continue to improve. The September data of the “first mover” for the euro zone reveals that both the current situation (+4.5) as well as expectations (+6.75) have slightly improved. Consequently, the overall index rises from 4.4 points to 5.6 points. The catch-up process of the emerging market economies overcompensates the heterogeneous developments of the industrialised world regions. Therefore, the global trend points upwards.
August 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 07.08.16
- File Size:
- 426 KB
Chinese glimmers of hope
Economic expectations are no longer negatively affected by the Brexit fallout. The sentix Economic Index im-proves moderately to +4.2 points. Positive growth impulses of the Chinese economy are accountable for the lat-est upswing, however. The European economy merely contributes to the confidence built up. The index for Asia ex. Japan jumps from +8.2 to +14.1 points. The latest round of yuan depreciation against the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen seems to act as a stimulant.
July 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 04.07.16
- File Size:
- 437 KB
The Brexit dampens economic expectations
The sentix economic survey is the first indicator of its kind to provide an indication whether UK’s decision to leave the EU affects the economy of other world regions. Thereby, it turns out that the spring recovery of the sentix economic expectations for the Eurozone has abruptly halted. The British voters’ verdict to depart the European Union should be a decisive reason for that. Besides Switzerland, the Eurozone is the biggest loser of the Brexit decision.
June 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 05.06.16
- File Size:
- 436 KB
sentix Economic Index: Eurozone aggregate climbs to new high
In June, the sentix economic indices are the bearer of glad tidings. The sentix Economic Index for the Eurozone climbs to +9.9 points which marks the highest level since the beginning of 2016. In comparison to May’s figures, the index increases by +3.7 points.
Investors’ perception brightens with regards to both current situation and expectation values.
The June survey surprises positively as investors’ view on all world regions improves. The overall index for the US economy increases by +6.2 points. -
May 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 09.05.16
- File Size:
- 393 KB
Japan and the US contra the emerging markets
Economic expectations for the Eurozone remain resilient as investors perception about the future development of Japan continues to deteriorate. Moreover, in May investors get wary about the situation of the US economy. Emerging markets proceed their recovery. The headline index for the Eurozone marginally raises by +0.5 points to +6.2 points. Overall investors draw a rather non-dynamic picture about the economic condition of the Eurozone as expectations remain unchanged and the perception of the current situation with a change of +1 point displays weak momentum.
April 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 03.04.16
- File Size:
- 1 MB
sentix Economic Index: US-Comeback
The process of economic stabilization of investors expectations has continued at the beginning of April. The sentix index of general business confidence for the Eurozone increases marginally to +5,7 points. Thus, lagging behind the consensus of economists questioned by Bloomberg, which expected an increase to +7 points. In con-trast, the US economy stands out positive in April. Investors believe that economy is back in upswing territory. For Japan, primarily the current situation values deteriorate.
March 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 07.03.16
- File Size:
- 1 MB
Eurozone cooling, global stabilisation
The sentix Economic Index for the Eurozone continues to fall in March 2016. The overall index looses 0.5 points to +5.5 points. The overall Eurozone decline is caused by a deteriorating current situation (the value is down by 2.2 points) whereas the expectation value advances by 1.3 points. A look abroad gives more reasons to cheer this time: values for Asia ex. Japan could recover the second month in a row. Moreover, the US economy exhibits resilience in March as the current situation value rises to 21.75 points (up by 4.75 points). In total, the overall US index rises to 5.8 points. Moreover, the global index finally gains ground on the back of a recovery in Asia ex. Japan, Eastern Europe as well as in Latin-America.
February 2016 results
- Uploaded:
- 07.02.16
- File Size:
- 492 KB
Global economy on the brink
Who thought the collapse of sentix-economic indices in January were a one-time event will be disappointed with the February data. Although the values for Asia ex Japan recover something, this month results do not shape a fundamentally new image. In particular, the loss of momentum in Germany and the United States weighs heavily and stresses that the global economy is now in a very fragile state.
January 2016 Results
- Uploaded:
- 10.01.16
- File Size:
- 1 MB
After New Year’s Eve yet another china cracker
That’s not what many investors have expected: right at the start of 2016, investors have to farewell certainties of 2015. Dark clouds arise in the east and could carry more than just light showers. it seems undoubtedly reasonable that the Chinese business cycle face a period of significant slow down, rather it seems like a hard landing. Such a scenario would not pass the Eurozone without damage.
December 2015 Results
- Uploaded:
- 06.12.15
- File Size:
- 355 KB
No ECB money, no funny
Economic expectations for the Eurozone continue to rise contrary to the global trend. Amid slightly lower growth in global economic momentum, the Eurozone stands out. Explanations should be found in the latest ECB statement. The December round of ECB stimulus felt short of expectations, however, the embracement of ECB’s “whatever it takes massage” has worked yet again. Without more ECB stimulus the Eurozone would most likely be in accordance to the global outlook.