
The sentix family now consists of more than 1000 different indicators. These we have grouped by indicator families. Find out the below list the indicator family for which you wish to receive further information.
sentix Asset classes sentiment

sentix Asset classes sentiment

The sentix asset class sentiment shows from the investor's point of view the absolute and relative attractiveness of various asset classes, including, for example, emerging market equities or commodities, but also IPOs and, since the end of 2013, crypto currencies. The indicator family can be used for market timing and asset allocation.

sentix Euro Break-up Index

sentix Euro Break-up Index

The sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) indicates the probability perceived by investors that the euro will break up within the next twelve months.

sentix Investment theme index

The indicator family of the sentix Investment Theme Index shows on a monthly basis how strongly investors are convinced that selected factors such as inflation or central bank policy will influence European bond prices positively or negatively in the near future.

sentix Investor positioning

sentix Investor positioning

The sentix investor positioning is a measure of how strongly investors are invested in a market (stocks or bonds).

sentix Economic index

sentix Economic index

The sentix economic index is the "first mover" among the monthly sentiment indicators for economic development.

sentix Maturity Preference Index

sentix Maturity Preference Index

The indicator family of the sentix maturity preference index comprises time series on investors' expectations of developments in the individual yield curve segments for Euro area bonds.

sentix Neutrality Index

The sentix neutrality indices measure the share of neutrals in the market. Neutrals are that part of the investors who do not choose either the bull or the bear camp in the weekly sentix Global Investor Survey for a given financial market, but opt for the neutral position between the two.

sentix Overconfidence Index

sentix Overconfidence Index

The sentix Overconfidence Index indicates how likely it is that at a given time the price movement in a market is perceived by investors as a trend and thus influences their appetite for risk.

sentix Politics barometer

The sentix Politics Barometer provides investors with an assessment of important political topics.

sentix Relative sentiment

sentix Relative sentiment

The sentix Relative Sentiment comprises selected pairs of sentix indices that are set in relation to each other to improve asset allocation and market timing.

sentix Risk aversion index

The sentix Risk Aversion Index is calculated and normalised from various sub-areas of the senix Styles and shows the extent to which investors seek or avoid risks in their portfolios. It supplements the sentix Risk Levels with a monthly, more precise measurement.

sentix Risk radar

With the sentix Risk Radar we determine statistically significant risk and opportunity potentials in the financial markets. These potentials are derived from various factors which, as experience shows, have a contrary effect on market prices if extreme values are reached

sentix Risk Levels

The sentix Risk Levels provide an indication of the sum of portfolio risks in investors' portfolios.

sentix Sector sentiment (Euro area equities)

The sentix Sector Sentiment represents the relative 6-month expectations of investors for the 19 sectors of the European stock markets according to the STOXX classification. The expectations determined relate to the performance of a sector in comparison to the market as a whole.

sentix Sentiment Index

sentix Sentiment Index

The sentix Sentiment Indices represent the market expectations of investors over the next month. They reflect the emotions of investors, who fluctuate between fear and greed.

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