sentix ASR Essentials 21-2017


A less negative strategic bias on Crude

Last week we noted the continued interplay in sentiment towards emerging equity markets and commodities. At a market level, weakening investor opinion on the medium-term outlook for Chinese equities remains a feature, consistent with receding optimism on commodities as an asset class. However, on this latter front, there are some chinks of light amidst the prevailing recent gloom, with investors’ medium-term strategic bias on Crude Oil having become less negative in recent weeks. Notably, it is an improvement that has not been derailed by initial market disappointment at the outcome of last week’s OPEC meeting. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 20-2017

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War es das schon?

Heute vor einer Woche sah es mal wieder so aus, als würden die Aktienmärkte ihre verdiente und überfällige Konsolidierung durchlaufen. Doch nur eine Woche später, ist davon nur noch wenig zu spüren. Stattdessen beginnt sich der Strategische Bias zu stabilisieren und erweckt so den Eindruck, als läge das Schlimmste bereits hinter uns. Geht die Hausse demnach munter weiter?

Geänderte Einschätzungen: USD-JPY

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sentix ASR Essentials 20-2017


Commodities and Euro in the sentiment spotlight

The latest sentix survey throws up a couple of notable developments. A month ago we noted that there was a risk that continued caution on commodities would prove a drag on emerging market (EM) equity sentiment. In the event, investor sentiment towards EM has begun to follow survey readings on commodities lower in the latest survey, though it is also notable that investors are becoming less negative on Crude oil from a medium-term strategic perspective. Any signs of a wider firming in sentiment towards commodities would likely lend support to EM equity sentiment. In FX, optimism on EUR/USD has reached its highest level for over a year, with readings based on the near-term outlook for the euro versus the US dollar now running at the high-end of their historic range. A lot of positive near-term sentiment is baked into EUR/USD at current levels. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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sentix Investmentmeinung 19-2017

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Warten auf den nächsten Impuls

Im sentix-Datenkranz hat sich in der abgelaufenen Woche nichts Grundlegendes geändert. Nach der Wahl in Frankreich sucht der Markt Orientierung. Die technische stark überkaufte Aktienmarkt-Lage steht steigenden Aktienkursen im Weg. Und bei EUR-USD signalisiert der hohe Neutrality-Wert, dass eine gewisse kurzfristige Trenderschöpfung eintreten sollte.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: keine

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sentix ASR Essentials 19-2017


Telecoms sentiment upswing in the face of falling relative

Monthly survey questions on investors’ views on the medium-term outlook for European sectors reveal a less positive view on Energy and Basic Resources versus the market, which chimes with participants’ still negative medium-term strategic bias on Oil. At the same time, sentiment also weakened over the month in the case of defensive sectors such Healthcare, Food & Beverages and Utilities. However, on the more-defensive sector front an interesting divergence has also recently emerged in the case of Telecoms. Survey findings are consistent with a gradual improvement in sentiment towards Telecoms versus the market, even as the sector relative has hit ten year lows. See page 2 for charts.

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