sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators


The process of economic stabilization of investors expectations has continued at the beginning of April. The sentix index of general business confidence for the Eurozone increases marginally to +5,7 points. Thus, lagging behind the consensus of economists questioned by Bloomberg, which expected an increase to +7 points. In contrast, the US economy stands out positive in April. Investors believe that economy is back in upswing territory. For Japan, primary the current situation values deteriorate.


Eurozone cooling, global stabilisation

The Eurozone suffers from the loss of economic momentum of the global economy. The overall sentix Economic Index for the Eurozone stagnates at 5.5 points in March. Reasons for Eurozone’s malaise are visible in investors assessment of the current situation. The value drops by about 2.2 points, below the April 2015 level.


Global economy on the brink

Who thought the collapse of the sentix economic indices in January were a one-time event will be disappointed with the February data. Although the values for Asia ex Japan recover something, this month results do not shape a fundamentally new image. In particular, the loss of momentum in Germany and the United States weighs heavily and stresses that the global economy is now in a very fragile state.


After New Year’s Eve yet another china cracker

That’s not what many investors have expected: right at the start of 2016, investors have to farewell certainties of 2015. Dark clouds arise in the east and could carry more than just light showers. it seems undoubtedly reasonable that the Chinese business cycle face a period of significant slow down, rather it seems like a hard landing. Such a scenario would not pass the Eurozone without damage.


No ECB money, no funny

Economic expectations for the Eurozone continue to rise contrary to the global trend. Amid slightly lower growth in global economic momentum, the Eurozone stands out. Explanations should be found in the latest ECB statement. The December round of ECB stimulus felt short of expectations, however, the embracement of ECB’s “whatever it takes massage” has worked yet again. Without more ECB stimulus the Eurozone would most likely be in accordance to the global outlook.


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