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Der Ruf nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Europa wird immer lauter. Unter dem Druck der ökonomischen Krise soll nun vollendet werden, was seit 60 Jahren angestrebt wird. Doch um eine Nation zu bilden braucht es mehr, als ökonomischen Druck.



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Das Thema beschäftigt Talk-Shows und wirft moralische Fragen auf: Ist eine Spekulation in soft-commodities, also Lebensmittel-Rohstoffe, vertretbar? Das nachfolgende Essay versucht hierauf eine Antwort zu finden.


Worries around the Euro economies just won`t subside


The Euro debt-crisis is leaving deeper and deeper tracks in the real economy. In December, the sentix economic index dropped for the fifth time in a row and is now down to -24 points. Pressure arises from a worsening situation while economic expectations remain unimpressed by the latest support operations by the central banks. It is better in the USA and Germany, but these two have not yet freed themselves of the downturn scenario.


sentix in working papers


sentix makes its data available for scientific research and encourages students and academic staff in their research.

Meanwhile, a variety of academic work, taking into account the sentix data have emerged:


sentix in books


The sentix data enjoy a good reputation among analysts and scientists, because they represent the best documented and most relevant data source to expectations and actions of investors.

For this reason, references and elaborations of sentix found in a variety of books.


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