Market psychology

Market psychology

The power of emotions

The power of emotions affect prices and trends in the markets.

Euro Break-up Index

Euro Break-up Index

Will the Euro break-up?

What's the risk that the Euro breaks up? Which country is the most exposed? Whats the routes of infection?

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Massive global slump


Following the severe setback of the "first mover" in the previous month, there is now another, more pronounced economic slump in August. The global recovery comes to a halt. The sentix economic index for the eurozone fell by a whopping 6.6 points. The overall index now stands at -13.9 points, the lowest level since January 2024, with expectations falling even more sharply by 10.3 points. Germany in particular is in a nosedive. The overall index lost a whopping 12.0 points. The current assessment even deteriorated to -42.8 points, the worst value since June 2020! The expectations component plummeted to -18.5 points. The recession bells are ringing once again in Germany. Signs of fatigue are also evident in the USA: The overall index loses 9.0 points for the fourth time in a row. Expectations also indicate an accelerated slowdown. The rest of the world, including the Asian region, is lagging behind.


Bitter setback


The recent recovery of the European economy has come to an abrupt end. After eight consecutive improvements, the sentix economic index for the eurozone fell by a whopping 7.6 points in July. Expectations slumped by 8.5 points to 1.5 points. The moderate economic momentum in Germany is also faltering again. The positive mood due to the European Football Championship 2024 is not spilling over into the economy. The already gloomy assessment of the situation deteriorated to -32.3 points, while expectations fell to -4.8 points below the April value. The French elections are contributing to the growing concern, as is the increasing slowdown in the US economy. The overall index for the US fell for the third time in a row to its lowest value since January 2024. Expectations are now also negative there at -2.5 points.


sentix ESG indices on Bloomberg

We would like to inform you that the sentix ESG indices are now also available on Bloomberg. These have the following tickers:

  • SNTISRH0 (Headline)
  • SNTISRI0 (institutional investors)
  • SNTISRP0 (private investors)

The histories of the data series start in March 2020.

Reaction to the Dutch election


The Netherlands has voted and given the euro sceptics a bit of a wake-up call. The Euro Break-up Index, which we rarely comment on at present as the situation in the eurozone is relatively stable, shows a relatively unusual swing in the sub-index for the Netherlands. This is certainly not high enough to act as a harbinger of crisis. But that could possibly change in the 2024 election year. We'll stay on the ball.

Data revision notification SNTL


Dear data client, due to a bug, a data point in the SNTL data sets for May 2010 was missing. We have reconstructed the data and added the missing data point to the data series.


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