sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

How much is missing before the crisis?

The signs for the global economy sent out by the "first mover" among the economic indicators - the sentix economic index - point to a further downturn and a strengthening of the economic downturn forces. The situation in Germany remains particularly precarious. Here we are measuring the weakest situation values since July 2020, when the economy was slowed by the first Corona lockdown. Germany is also weighing heavily on the economy in the euro zone as a whole. The recession is progressing. But even for the USA, which has so far held up well and defied the restrictive FED policy, the economic data are falling markedly. The tipping point of a global recession is less distant than one might think.


Nosedive stopped, but no all clear

At -18.9 points, the sentix economic index for the euro zone is 3.6 points higher than in July. The overall index thus stopped its nosedive. However, the assessment of the current situation remains weak at -20.5 points, while expectations have risen by 7.3 points to -17.3. Germany is providing fuel for the fire: The largest economy in the euro zone is becoming the sick man of the Eurozone and is weighing heavily on the region. The overall index for Germany falls for the fourth time in a row to -30.7 points. The situation slumped by 7.3 points, while the expectations score of -26 points also gave little cause for hope. By contrast, there are bright spots in the economic regions of the USA and Asia ex Japan.


More than a summer lull

Concerns about the further development of the global economy have probably not diminished with the latest values of the sentix business cycle indices. For in the "Global Aggregate Index" we note the fifth decline in a row. The Eurozone is certainly making a particular contribution to this. At -22.5 points, the overall index for the Eurozone has fallen to its lowest level since November 2022. The values for Germany, the most important econ-omy in the Eurozone, can only be described as "dramatically bad". However, the "Asia ex Japan" region also con-tributes significantly to the weak global picture, as the overall index here also falls for the fifth time in a row.


Germany's economy not a summer fairy tale

The German economy is currently experiencing a downright crash. Instead of a spring revival, the recessionary forces are coming back with a vengeance. Above all, the situation indicators are plummeting, signalling that the downward forces are currently very present. This is also being felt by the rest of the eurozone. With the largest economy on such a difficult path, it should come as no surprise that investors are increasingly bearish on the rest of the eurozone. The June overall index for the Eurozone economy drops again to -17 points. Internationally, only Japan is showing a positive sign with an increase in the overall index against the general trend.


Significant spring tiredness

The sentix overall economic index for the euro zone loses 4.4 points and falls back to a level of -13.1 points. Ex-pectations in particular slump to -19.0 points, the lowest level since December 2022. The German economy is also hard hit. The situation scores drop by 6.7 points, while expectations fall to -19.8 points. In the international con-text, the negative signs also dominate. For the US, the decline in expectations is striking. Here, the overall index reaches -17.5 points, the lowest level since November 2022. There is not much left of the laborious economic recovery of 2023.


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