sentix Economic News

Read the latest information and indications about the "first mover" among the economic indicators!

Background information on the sentix economic indicators

The economy keeps buzzing

The sentix headline index for the Eurozone economy increases 3.3 points in March – the highest index level in 10 years. Investors rate the current situation exceptionally favourable. The current situation index rises 3.3 points to the highest level since March 2011. Investors’ economic expectations are on the rise for all major world regions. Therefore, last month’s drop is just a temporary correction. We believe that there is no imminent threat to economic prosperity. Besides the positive development of advanced economies, economic momentum remains strong for the emerging markets. Even Latin America manages to gain momentum.


Current situation in the Eurozone improves

The sentix headline index for the Eurozone experiences a slight setback in February (-0.8 points MoM). In contrast, the current situation value increases 4 points and has reached the highest value since May 2011. Investors’ expectations retreat for all world regions as the first acts of the new US President causes caution among the investment community. Nevertheless, investors positively review the current situation of the US economy. The current situation value for the US remains fairly stable at 45 points. In comparison to other world regions, expectations for the US economy fall the most in February (-8.7 points MoM). The bullying US-President is a serious threat.


More upside potential ahead!

The sentix economic indices surprise in January: All indices turn positive and imply more growth potential ahead. Especially the Eurozone and Eastern Europe benefit at the beginning of 2017. The headline index for the Eurozone increases by 8.2 points and reaches the highest value since August 2015. Economic expectations and current situation values improve dynamically. At the same time, we expect more economic upside potential for Eastern Europe and Austria due to its strong ties with the east of Europe. The US economy can maintain its strong growth momentum in January. The headline index marks the second all-time high in a row. Therefore, the Global Aggregate Index jumps to a 9-year high. Therefore, we expect more economic upside potential for 2017.


US-Mania - Setback for the Eurozone

The sentix Economic Indices show as one of the first published leading indicators after the US election a remarkable shift in economic expectations. Investors entirely revise their expectations for the US economy and turn euphoric. Expectations jump by 20.5 points. Another beneficiary of the surprising US election result is Japan. The surge in the US Dollar causes the Japanese Yen to decline which should boost the export-driven economy. While the US, Japan and the sentix Global Aggregate Index benefit, only Europe trails behind. The headline index for the Eurozone slides 3.1 points. The Global Aggregate Index shows a plus of 3.1 points.


Recovery gains momentum

In November, the positive trend in the economic indices continues. The overall index for Euroland is even rising to a new year's high, driven by further rising expectations. But also, the plus of six points in the position assess-ment sets an exclamation mark. Important is the fact that the economic assessment for the US does not indicate any weakness for the time after the handover. Together with Japan and the emerging markets, the sentix Global Aggregate continues to grow, which points to a solid global economic upturn.


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