sentix Investmentmeinung 25-2016

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Der Brexit wird zur Euro-Belastungsprobe

Als Ersatz für die wöchentliche Investmentmeinung stellen wir die aktuelle sentix Euro Break-up Analyse bereit. Weitere Infos unter 

Für das Einschätzungsportfolio nehmen wir folgende Änderung vor:

Geänderte Einschätzungen: EUR-USD (negativ)

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The Brexit becomes a Euro stress test


The unexpected vote of UK citizens wanting to leave the European Union, is also likely to hard shake the foundation of the euro again. Almost a third of investors responding in the sentix survey hold it again possible that the euro zone could break up within twelve months. In addition, new exit candidates appear on the horizon.


sentix ASR Essentials 25-2016


Gold shines as Brexit overshadows market sentiment

The latest sentix survey provides a timely view of investors’ views in the wake of the UK referendum vote to leave the EU. In terms of equities and bonds, pessimism and optimism has increased in equal measure, though survey readings are not yet extreme on either asset class. The most market move for the likes of DAX, EuroSTOXX and Bunds has been a sharp decline in investor neutrality on the nearterm, though uncertainties persist on the strategic outlook for equities and bonds. In the near-term, sentiment has moved more notably in FX and commodities, with sentiment readings for EUR/USD hitting their lowest levels of the year in the latest survey and Gold readings reaching the high end of their historic range. Investor sentiment has become poles apart on EUR/USD and Gold See Charts 2-4, p3.

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Data error at SNTVEYI0


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due to a software error, the values of the ticker SNTVEYI0 were calculated wrongly. This data is derived as a calculated series from the sentix values on EUR-USD and USD-JPY. The error led to a wrong sign, so we corrected the series by multiplying all values by -1.

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The calm before the trend


Investors’ uncertainty about the Chinese equity market rises to the highest level since November 2015. The sentix time series reveals that comparable neutrality levels were usually a leading indicator for a new market trend.


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