The economy is going through the zenith


The sentix economic indices are regarded as the "first mover" of the economic early indicators. These indexes have often been the first to show the turning points of economic dynamics. Therefore, the current values of the August survey among more than 1,000 investors make you listen. Around the world, expectations are dropping, led by the US with the fifth consecutive decline! Trump works, but other than desired by him. The German model boy also loses a lot of speed. The scandal surrounding the car industry has the potential to become an economic mood killer.


Stabilized Eurozone


During the silly season, political topics are scarce goods in Euroland. In fact, awareness is completely focused on the stabilization of the Euro. This is an indication for investors that the Eurozone solidarity is increasingly stable. In this environment, the Euroland overall index of the sentix Euro break-up index has hardly changed. Its marginal adjustment in July from 8.6% to 8.9% shall not be interpreted turn around or warning signal, but rather is due to its meanwhile low value. This can also be seen in low values of measured exit risks of individual Eurozone countries.


sentix Investmentmeinung 30-2017

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Der Charme der Diskrepanz

Die Anleger haben Respekt vor der saisonal schwachen Aktienmarkt-Phase, die ab August beginnt. Dementsprechend trägt das Sentiment pessimistische Züge. Trotzdem erkennen die Anleger auch, dass über diese Zeit hinaus gedacht Chancen im jüngsten Kursrückgang europäischer Aktien liegen. Doch die Ängste überwiegen und führen insbesondere bei den Investmentprofis zu einer deutlichen Unterinves-tierung. Diese Diskrepanz versprüht den Charme eines konträren Einstiegs.

Geänderte Einschätzungen: DAX, EuroSTOXX50 sowie Rohöl

Klicken Sie hier für die aktuelle Investmentmeinung (sentix Registrierung erforderlich)

sentix ASR Essentials 30-2017


Eurozone equity sentiment caught in the grip of euro optimism

The latest sentix survey revealed that participants are still running with below average levels of over-investment in equities, while pessimism on indices such as the EuroSTOXX remains notable. This latter development may, to some extent, represent the sentiment flipside of still high optimism on the near-term outlook for the euro, given the risk that euro strength begins to weigh on the outlook for exporters. Sentiment readings on EUR/USD did tick modestly lower over the week, albeit they remain elevated. Any further moderation in euro optimism over the summer might be the catalyst for renewed sentiment support for eurozone equities. See Charts 2-4, p2.

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Sentiment for the Swiss francs on extreme level


In the last few weeks, the Swiss franc has clearly deteriorated in value against the euro. The strong Euro thus also radiates to the Alps Republic. The reaction of investors to this is euphoric. The sentiment for EUR / CHF reaches the state of euphoria with +46 percentage points. Consequently, the air is thin for a further rise - at least in the short term.


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