sentix Euro Break-up Index News

On this page we provide information about the latest development of the sentix Euro break-up Index. This indicator shows over time, how likely individual and institutional investors rate the probabilty of a breakup of the euro area (leaving at least one country) within 12 months time. Also it reflects which countries are particularly affected.

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Investors underestimate the “Brexit” risk


The sentix Euro Breakup Index (EBI) for may reflects improvements within the euro zone. Based on declining stress levels in the euro-periphery investors perceive the odds continue to shift in favour for the cohesion of the single currency area. However, a potential “Brexit” would cause significant turmoil.


Investors view a “Brexit” as a growing concern for the EU


The sentix Euro Breakup Index (EBI) remains unchanged at 16.7% in April. The force behind the persistent break-up risks remains unfavourable news from the Aegean. Though, investors shift their attention to the European Union level amid an intensifying “Brexit” debate. As investors only see a moderate probability for a “Brexit”, however, the associated risks could threaten the stability of the EU.


Relief in times of trouble


The sentix Euro Break-up Index (EBI) has surprisingly fallen to 16.7 points in March. This reflects the first reduction in Eurozone skepticism since six months ago. Risk reduction has been propelled by a more bullish view on Greece’s perceived current situation.


Familiar players back on stage


The sentix Euro-Break-up Index (EBI) raises three points to now 19.9% in February. The latest rise marks the fourth straight increase in a row after being propelled by Greece’s return to the stage of the euro-drama.


Uncertainty returns


Investors increasingly worried about the shape of the Eurozone: The sentix Euro-Break-up Index (EBI) continues to raise 2.9 points reaching 16.9 in January. Climbing the third straight month. Besides the issues facing the periphery economies, lack of reforms and political stalemate increasingly worry investors.


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